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Is Mobile Better than Landline?

Here at SalesCandy, we aim to regularly conduct experiments related to the industries we serve to gather statistics that would help us improve the performance of our system. 

Between Nov 13th and 17th, our marketing team conducted a small experiment to record the call pickup rate between calls made from a landline number and a mobile number. Two unique calls (from a list of 3,000 random mobile numbers) were made, from each of our landline office phone and our Marketing Executive's mobile phone, every hour from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on Monday to Friday for a week. The caller would wait until either the call was picked up, hung up, or sent to Voice Mail. The number of pickup was documented accordingly.

Due to the nature of the SalesCandy app that all calls are made from a mobile phone, this experiment was conducted with the objective of determining if a salesperson who called a prospect with his mobile phone would have a higher chance of speaking with them compared to calling from a landline phone. 

A total of 180 calls were made and the results are almost a tie between the two - 51 pickups for mobile number and 48 pickups for landline number. There were many factors at play that would affect the results, the prospects might not have judged a call from the type of number showing on the screen, but rather it could have been determined by whether or not they were available at the time. For example: the pickup rate for both phones were higher from Tuesday through Thursday and highest at 3:00 pm overall.

It could also be that the prospects simply do not pick up calls from unknown phone numbers, amongst many other factors.

Whatever the reason may be, our little experiment has proven that there is a slight advantage if not equal chance of speaking to a prospect when the salesperson is calling from a mobile number compared to a landline number.