5 mistakes to avoid when dealing with inbound leads

Can’t seem to convert your inbound leads to sales? Why they turn cold? Why they get dropped?

If you ask these questions, then you must have the problems dealing with your inbound leads. These are common problems among the sales teams that also make them lose very good deals.

Read these 5 checkpoints to avoid the mistakes in the future and close more sales!

1. Inappropriate lead distribution

What happens after you receive the lead? Do you have a complete process for your team?

Here is where could be the pitfall is:

You need to ensure every single detail from the beginning till the end, for example like, who is going to attend the lead, who will do follow-ups, and what’s the frequency of updating the lead data?

You need to ensure every single detail from the beginning till the end, for example like, who is going to attend the lead, who will do follow-ups, and what’s the frequency of updating the lead data_ (2).png

If the lead distribution process is properly in place, the next thing you should be worried about is how to scale it & improve the conversion rate further.

2. Improper leads qualification

Are you aware of your MQLs’ (Marketing Qualified Leads) persona? Does this person meet the requirement to be your customer?

These are the questions you should always ask yourself whenever qualifying the inbound lead. Write down and share the special Lead Qualification playbook with your team that they always can refer to. And you will be wrapped up on that as well!

3. Long response time

According to insidesales.com 78% of the sales go to the company that responds to the call first. 

Can you relate this to your team?

You need to ensure every single detail from the beginning till the end, for example like, who is going to attend the lead, who will do follow-ups, and what’s the frequency of updating the lead data_ (1).png

The first response is a crucial moment as from this point the communication starts and you will decide whether it will bring to the closed sale or not. 

Who would like to be on hold forever? Right, nobody. And as a brilliant salesperson, never leave your lead on hold for too long, otherwise, it will turn cold and never come back. 

4. Unpersonalized communication

A pretty common mistake done by the salesperson is to send generic emails and messages to the prospects. 

Copy-pasted letter is the most unappealing thing anyone ever wants to read. Do a small effort to add the name at least!

We also can’t emphasize more on effective communication - always listen to every single word your prospect is saying not to miss anything, because even in small details, big things are hidden.


5. Incorrect research process

What do you usually do after receiving an inbound? Do you check the company of the lead?

Quite often sales reps think that it is an unnecessary part and assume all the details will be received during the call, although, it may save a lot of time for you and get the touchpoints with your lead if you know more about their company and their product. 

You also may discover if the lead is qualified, and if he is not (for example, the company is fake), you can just drop and save your time. 

Do you know that SalesCandy can easily solve all these problems? Our cutting edge lead-to-sale solution will make selling process convenient and quick! All you need is just to contact us here