Becoming a neurodiverse company - SalesCandy being featured by Gamuda


Needless to say that inclusivity is one of the most important attributes of the workplace. If the company doesn’t promote mutual respect and tolerance among its colleagues, no matter what kind of beliefs, ethnicity, or sexual orientation they are, this company will less likely succeed in the long run.

Enabling Academy graduate and Junior Test Engineer, Jonathan Soo (second from right) with his Enabling Academy Job Coach, Catherine Chin (second from left) and SalesCandy CEO and Co-founder, Stanley Chee (first from right) and Chief Technology Offic…

Enabling Academy graduate and Junior Test Engineer, Jonathan Soo (second from right) with his Enabling Academy Job Coach, Catherine Chin (second from left) and SalesCandy CEO and Co-founder, Stanley Chee (first from right) and Chief Technology Officer, Reza Rosli (first from left).


Back in 2018, SalesCandy engaged the Enabling Academy, an initiative by Yayasan Gamuda, the Group’s foundation arm. Enabling Academy (EA) was established in 2017, aimed at preparing more young adults with autism for gainful sustainable employment in corporate companies. The Enabling Academy conducts a 3-month Employment Transition Programme for adults on the autism spectrum who are 21 years old and above. Training under the programme focuses on personal development, career development, soft-skills training and a simulated office environment. It was through this programme that SalesCandy found yet another gainful Candyholic, Jonathan Soo – the company’s Junior Test Engineer.

“We welcome everyone regardless of religious beliefs, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. And now, we are finally becoming a neurodiverse company,” - SalesCandy CEO and Co-founder, Stanley Chee expresses. 

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